Sunday, 8 March 2015

Preserving Heritage/Preserving Beauty

Last Saturday I went to the opening of Jack's gallery and dark room space in Heath Town, Wolverhampton. It's impressive how far his Redeveloped and Redefined project has developed in nearly a year, with strong links now to Black Country Make and Re-Entry. The gallery got a good review in the local paper, as well as a post on Facebook.

Part of the project is about Jack developing his own photography, and the part of it is about
working with the local community to capture Heath Town with photography, before it is 'regenerated'. It struck me that when all these flats are knocked down in two years time, another slice of that part of British post-war heritage will be gone. Optimistic buildings for an optimistic time - space-age living. This version of community living didn't quite work out, but once it's gone, who will remember it in 100 years time? The photographs that will be taken over the next two years may be more important than those who take them realise. Keep an eye on how it develops on Jack's blog.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to read your article! I am looking forward to sharing your adventures and experiences.
